NUFORC Sighting 173585

Occurred: 1963-07-10 00:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2022-12-26 17:30 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Portland, OR, USA
Location details: 2301 SW Seymour Dr. This was at my parents house when I was a kid.

Shape: Disk

Saucer shaped, stopped overhead above us, deep glowing orange color like the coals in a fire, stayed 1-2 min., shot to horizon split se

A friend and I we're sleeping out on my parents deck. We were in our sleeping bags and just chatting and starring at the summer night sky when we noticed a light dropping out from the Big Dipper. We thought it was a falling star. Then we watched as the light was flying towards our direction in almost in a searching manner. We watched as this light came closer. It flew from the left side of the scene across the sky and behind some trees as it came closer to my location. It came around the trees and flew directly towards us and came to a complete stop overhead. It was saucer shaped and the whole saucer was glowing a deep orange color like the coals in a fire. It was positioned at a slight angle in the sky.and completely silent. I couldn't say how high above us it was or how big it would have been close up but for us it was about 24" in length. So it's shape was very distinct. It stayed in that position completely still overhead for about a minute or two, then abruptly it went from a complete stop to a straight shot out to the horizon in a split second. Not to be seen again.

Posted 2023-03-06

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