NUFORC Sighting 174625

Occurred: 2019-01-12 10:52 Local
Reported: 2023-02-17 13:50 Pacific
Duration: several minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Quito, , Ecuador
Location details: Actually along the road from Quito to Antisana National park in the Andes Mountains.

Shape: Circle

Seen by a group of guides and birdwatchers that had pulled over to look at birds. Photos taken through a spotting scope.

My birdwatching group encountered another group of birdwatchers and their guides. They had earlier seen this bright object in the sky and photographed it. The sky was cloudless and full high sun. Although i didn't see the object myself the guide who took photos through his birding spotting scope shared the photos with me immediately. They had just seen it. It then disappeared. I didn't know who to share these with until I found your website. As the photo shows when enlarged, it is a white circular object with strange looking structures around part of it - attached to it. It is worth zooming in on the images as it also appears to have an X shape on the surface.

In talking with an Ecuadorian commercial airline pilot (former Ecuadorian Air Force jet pilot) he said he has seen what he considers UFOs in this area of the Andes on other occasions.

Posted 2023-03-06

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