NUFORC Sighting 175879

Occurred: 2017-08-17 22:18 Local
Reported: 2023-05-22 17:20 Pacific
Duration: ~5min
No of observers: 3

Location: Paralimni, Famagusta District, Cyprus
Location details: ~5km from the center of Paralimni

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Potential UFO with instantaneous acceleration and potential telepathic contact.

I am going to go straight to the point. No beating around the bush.

It was almost 7-8 years ago. At the present moment I am 23 years of age.

It was in the middle of summer in a country named Cyprus, it's actually where I am from. It is located in the Mediteranean sea. We speak a dialect of Greek, it's almost the same as Greek.

So it was me, my brother, and my mother. It was a hot silent night with clear skies. You could see all the stars above. At the moment we lived in an apartment and the 3 of us were on the balcony.

As I was looking at the stars I saw a particular star that caught my attention for no particular reason.

It was even a more faint star so nothing special about it.

As I focused my eyes on it I thought to myself "What if it is a UFO"...Then suddenly the star started to come closer and get bigger and bigger to the point of looking as if it was almost ~16 metres away from the balcony.

It was extremely bright, brighter than the sun. The light it emitted was white.

I immediately run to pick something to record it but I didnt have a cell at that time so I picked up my nintendo. But it didnt film anything as the camera is pretty useless on that thing.

It hovered there for a little bit and then it started to get smaller or less bright until it almost became the same size it was before.

Then from being completely still it flew to the right at an instant acceleration with a speed that can be described as putting your index finger in front of you and accelerating it to the right with ~80% of your strength. It was a speed I have never seen any craft do let alone with instant acceleration.

Then it came back with the same speed but to the left and it was gone.

Thank you.

P.S. Me thinking it could be a UFO maybe it was some kind of telepathic communication.

Maybe they heard me? Maybe they have the tech to detect brain waves? IDK.

Maybe it was just a 1 in a 1000000000 coincidence.

Posted 2023-07-10

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