NUFORC Sighting 178529

Occurred: 1965-03-15 18:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-10-05 02:10 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Warren Twp., NJ, USA
Location details: Family home on 1.75 acres, unhindered view of the clear night sky.

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Emitted other objects

3 equidistant moving lights merge into one light, then separate into 8 or more moving equidistant lights.

I took the family dog out after dinner around our backyard. Close to the house, maybe 30 feet. As the dog walked around on his leash, I was looking at the stars.About a minute of looking up, I caught a side-glimps of a white pinpoint of light moving SW to NE. I thought I was watching a satellite. As I watched it, I side-glimpsed another pinpoint of light moving SE to NW and then a third light came into view moving between the other two—all 3 moving at what appeared to be the same speed. You could see they were moving closer to each other; like the center of a big ‘Y’. The 3 lights met at this center point of the night sky. Then after a few seconds, 8 or more pinpoints of light, moved away from that center point, at what appeared to be the same speed forming a perfect (8 dot) circle. I remember laughing to myself. I felt I was being entertained. I continued to watch until the lights moved far away from each other. Brought the dog in and told my family what I saw. I doubt they even heard what their 16 year-old son told them.

I don’t recall a moon that evening, or any clouds. It was a good night to be looking up.

Posted 2023-10-28

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