NUFORC Sighting 178910

Occurred: 2021-05-13 20:50 Local
Reported: 2023-10-15 21:12 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes (approximate)

Location: Constanța, Constanța County, Romania
Location details: By the beach (Black Sea)

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects

Multiple fireballs

I was in my hotel room by the beach with the door open to the balcony. I happened to look outside and saw what appeared to be a fireball (about 150 yards away from me) and every once in a while other fireballs would appear near it (as if it was shooting them out).

They were smaller in size and would disappear within seconds but the main bigger one would disappear after several of those mini ones were “shot out”. This was right by all the hotels of the Constanta beach over the water. It had no sound at all and after disappearing, there was no trace of the objects. (I have two videos of this event and hope that someone else had seen this and can confirm what I saw).

The first one I noticed was at 8:52 pm and saw several more after that, but I am not sure how many if any at all appeared before that. The big fireball would appear in intervals of about 5-10 minutes apart.

Posted 2023-10-28

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