NUFORC Sighting 179819

Occurred: 1989-07-13 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-01-02 16:17 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 minutes or so.
No of observers: 2

Location: Catonsville, MD, USA
Location details: Followed it from my car while driving almost underneath it

Shape: Triangle
Color: Grey, silver or dark
Estimated Size: Idk how to guess, but looked huge overhead
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Not sure it was just ahead enough to follow
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: Not far above trees and a front?
Estimated Speed: Same as us about 20mph tops

Edmondson & Rolling Rd driving suddenly HUGE triangle craft is above us silent, VERY low & NO lights. Follow a fee then it vanished

My friend & I were coming home from Baltimore city dusk time late 80s or early 90s on evening, & I live off N Rolling Rd, so we had reached the top part of Edmonson Avenue about to turn onto N Rolling Rd in Catonsville when we realize there is a huge triangle craft in the sky heading the same direction as us. It was flying super low like it seemed barely over the trees to us at the time, we heard nothing at all, and saw no lights. We decide hey, let's follow this thing. We followed it down Rolling Rd toward Frederick Rd past our turnoff a little, and then we lost it just like that. It was nowhere to be seen in any direction! It was some type of metal color- either gray, silver or black would be my guess in the dusk- ish sky. When we tried to tell ppl at the time everyone said " oh, they were probably flying the stealth to Andrew's AFB on a secret test mission" etc. Now that I have gotten more into UAP info, it doesn't fit for me. How did it vanish from complete sight, and make no noise? I thank heavens I wasn't alone or I would've thought I had lost my mind!

Posted 2024-02-15

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