NUFORC Sighting 180651

Occurred: 2022-07-11 05:00 Local
Reported: 2024-03-01 13:43 Pacific
Duration: A couple seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Gent, East Flanders, Belgium
Location details: We were flying above North Africa somewhere

Shape: Star
Color: White
Estimated Size: Quite big, because it was far but bright
Viewed From: Aircraft
Direction from Viewer: North
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Very far. It seemed like a star at first.
Estimated Speed: Incredibly fast when dropping

I saw what I initially thought to be a star from a plane, literally drop really fast under the horizon and then slowly rise back up.

We were flying above turkey and at around 5am, while a few stars were still visible, I saw a bright dot (I thought it was a star at first) drop straight down, very quickly below the horizon, so that I couldn’t see it anymore from the plane window, because it was “behind the earth” by then. Then a couple seconds later, it started rising again and it slowly ascended back to where it originally was. I tried to wake up my boyfriend to watch too, but he was sleeping sound. I took a video of it once it was back where it started, but it all happened too fast for me to take a video of the whole event, so I unfortunately don’t have video of it falling and rising back up. It was not the plane turning, it was not another plane, and it wasn’t a light reflecting. This was something I have never in my life seen before and I’ve flown a LOT. This was not anything human operated (as far as I know we don’t have technology capable of something like this). I fully believe this was not only a UFO, but actually an extraterrestrial alien object

Posted 2024-03-13

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