NUFORC Sighting 1918

Occurred: 1995-10-25 22:00 Local
Reported: 1997-01-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Sandals Royal Jamaican Resort, Montego Bay (Jamaica), , Jamaica

Shape: Rectangle

SUMMARY: honeymooners see huge black object in sky illuminated by moon off the shore of Montego Bay. It glides by quickly and silently, then disappears

My husband and I had just finished dinner at the restaurant at our Honeymoon Resort when we decided to walk along the beach back to our rooms. Most of the resort guests were at a barbeque on the nearby (50 yards away) island called Kokomo, so the resort was fairly quiet and we were alone, except for maybe an employee now and then. We decided to stop and enjoy the stars. We were both silently enjoying the view when I noticed a huge black object. ( I cannot however, determine how far away it was) it cast a slight reflection on the underneath side of it, as if the moon were glowing on it. The only way to describe the shape is to say it looked like a large stingray without a tail sailing through the sky. It did not make a sound, and it lasted only seconds. I could not figure out what I had seen, I hesitated, and then asked my husband if he had seen it too. He said yes, and said he was glad I had seen it because he though it was his imagination. We tried to explain it to ourselve!s, but the only thing we could come up with was that maybe it was a large black bird gliding over the water. But the only birds we had ever seen near the bay were totally white. The bird would have also had to have been within 5 feet in front of us to appear so large. We would have seen the bird clearly because the resort had small lamps that lit the nearby walkways, and we were able to view a gazebo that stretched out in front of us about 25 feet away. We tried unsuccessfully to see the object again, and finally gave up after about 15 minutes. I don't really recall the exact moment of the sighting, because it happened over a year ago, but we did immediately tell our family about in when we returned home. My husband and I are both college educated, 25 years old, and are successfully employed in the Washington, DC metro area. Please use this information as you wish. If it means anything to you, or is similar to anything ever reported, then please feel free to let us know, other!wise we just wanted to tell our story and remain anonymous. Thank you.

Posted 1998-03-07

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