NUFORC Sighting 21722

Occurred: 2002-02-04 05:00 Local
Reported: 2002-02-06 10:05 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 3

Location: Porto Alegre (Brazil), , Brazil

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three stars moving together as a triangle to the south in an orbital path.

Excuse-me, but I left here the descripcion in portuguese so brazilian people who can´t understand English and can be other witnesses can read it.

We were in 5, in the Intercontinental Youth Camp of the II World Social Forum (it is a camp, near to a big lake but also in the middle of the city). The sky was beautiful and clear when one of us saw three stars moving fast (considering the distance) together as a triangle. They had orange/red coulour and were moving to the south in an orbital path. There was one guide star, guiding the other two to the south making a perfect triangle. Sometimes it seems they lost each other and we also lost them, but they suddenly made the triangle again got moved to the same path. There was three stars with the same ligth intensity and colour. The duration was 5 minutes, not exactly.

Com sua licença, deixo aqui o relato em português para que outros brasileiros que não compreendem a língua (possíveis testemunhas) possam identificá-lo.

Estávamos em 5 pessoas no acampamento intercontinental da juventude, evento que engloba o II Fórum Social mundial (é um acampamento, perto de um grande lago mas também no meio da cidade). O céu estava extremamente claro quando um de nós percebeu que três estrelas de cor alaranjada formando um triângulo moviam-se rapidamente (considerando-de a distância) ao sul, em trajetória orbital. Uma estrela "guiava" as outras que a acompanhavam na mesma velocidade, alinhadas perfeitamente num triângulo. Por instantes, desalinhavam-se, as perdíamos de vista, para, em seguida organizarem-se em forma de triangulo e continuarem a trajetória. As três estrelas tinham a mesma intensidade de luz. Isso durou uns 5 minutos.


Please see other report for this date from Downey, CA. A similar description of events. PD

Posted 2002-02-22

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