NUFORC Sighting 2837

Occurred: 1985-06-30 22:45 Local
Reported: 1997-11-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: San Diego, CA, USA

Shape: light

Summary : Man driving car with nephew enveloped in white light of high quality. Man observed no shadows even under dashboard. Man could not look above nephew's knees or see outside vehicle though tried. Man not scared about possible accident. Nephew remembers nothing even though he said "What was that." immediately after event.

Man was 36 years old and enjoys daydreaming. State employee. Prior to the event I had said to myself that I travel this section of road when going to work but this was a different time of day. Felt very alert during event , as if taking a college final exam.The event lasted more than 4 seconds because I did so much thinking while it was happening. Estimate 14 seconds based on all my thoughts. I remember thinking during the event that this light was from a star that had been engineered by intelligent life to improve the quality of light above the quality of sunlight. Just thinking this takes 3 or 4 seconds. My nephew was 15 years old and never had any dreams he could remember. His first dream he ever remembered was when he was about 23. I slept well that night. I am baffled by the event. It isn't logical. When I drive I sometimes look off the road for 2 or 3 seconds. 4 seconds would be a little dangerous and that is why I feel the event took 4 seconds. The light came on and ! went off instantly. My nephew's feet were positioned such that his toes were slightly pointing towards the toes of the opposite foot. His heels were touching his seat. This knowledge takes time. Also, I spent at least 7 seconds trying real hard to see any shadow. I was aware that I could not see through the windshield but wasn't scared.

Posted 1999-01-28

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