NUFORC Sighting 38469

Occurred: 1996-03-30 17:00 Local
Reported: 2004-08-04 17:08 Pacific
Duration: 3 Min
No of observers: 2

Location: N. Everett, WA, USA

Shape: Cylinder

We saw a cylindrical object traveling north along the adjacent hills 3 or 4 miles to the east of the I5. Like spilt mercury.

While driving north on the I5 10 mins past Everet in the Tululip area we saw a cylindrical object traveling north along the adjacent hills 3 or 4 miles to the east. We stopped the car at a clear, treeless point on the highway. It appeared to be about 40 or 50 feet off the ground and resembled a long line of spilt mercury. It at first appeared to be about the length and diameter on a Dc-10 sized jet with no wings or tail, then it got longer and appeared to separate into 2 objects (one shorter than the other). It instantaneously disappeared when a third friend in the back seat (who couldnt see anything on the horizon at all) raised his camera to snap the area. It was there then it was gone, I didnt blink.


Date may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. PD

Posted 2004-08-11

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