NUFORC Sighting 4050

Occurred: 1998-08-21 03:00 Local
Reported: 1998-09-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: unknown
No of observers: 2

Location: Woodbridge, VA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Went out to see the ring around the moon,when I saw strange light in the sky. As it got closer noticed it was a triangular craft with a 'red' nose in the point.

Went out in the front yard to see the ring around the moon. I also looked around to see what stars were out, it was then that I saw a strange light in the sky. As it got closer noticed it was a triangular craft. It was then that I called my husband out to look and said: 'see you finally got to see one'. We were in the front yard. It was then that I held my left arm straight out and the ship was at the finger tips. None of the neighbors were out, no dogs barking etc. Hairs on arms stood up--like static electricity. Husband went in and I watched it for a while longer. It was a cool clear night. I didn't think of moving, just stood there watching it. I drew picture of the ship at 0838 the next morning, and asked husband if he saw this and showed him the picture. He answered: No (had no memory of said sighting). This was not a dream. Saw 1 triangular craft, black, with red crystalline ball at tip. Was standing on the sidewalk at the time, looking down Glendale Road towards Dale Blvd. My background: U.S. Army Army Security Agency (ASA)/Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) 1973-1979, various government & civilian jobs, Homemaker 1987-present. Husband: U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) 1974-1978, various government positions, Ex-CIA (1998).

Posted 1998-11-01

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