NUFORC Sighting 55281

Occurred: 2007-02-14 00:30 Local
Reported: 2007-02-15 00:29 Pacific
Duration: 45 sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

quiet amber lights over glendale nothing like the phx lights at all

i was in my backyard smoking and i saw a object in the air but since i live under the flight path of phx intl airport. i did not think much of it until i realized how close it was and i could not hear anything and it was actually closer than i thought. it seemed to be only about 300 feet from the ground very quit no noise at all i could not really make a shape as it passed about 100 feet west and 300 feet high. it looked like a very tight cluster of 5 or 6 amber colored lights the same as are street lights in the area and a white or light grey shape i could not make out above the cluster that seemed to be wobbling very smoothly. it was traveling south between the speeds of the helicopters and airplanes that fly over all the time but very quit and very smooth. it was very cool to see whatever it was but if i ever see it again i hope i have a witness or i dont ever see it again

Posted 2007-02-24

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