NUFORC Sighting 56387

Occurred: 1989-04-19 20:00 Local
Reported: 2007-04-24 22:21 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 100

Location: New York City, NY, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

Weird collection of lights hovers over Manhattan in April 1989 then glides away

On the first warm, clear night of that spring - with a full moon - I was walking along Eighth Avenue in the Chelsea district with a friend, as were many other people that night, when I noticed what I thought was a Goodyear blimp in the sky above. Did not pay any attention to it, but began noticing more and more people stopping and looking at it, nudging their friends, asking questions like "What is it?" So we looked again, and then stopped and stared like everyone else.

What I had thought was just a blimp was actually a collection of lights or glowing orbs that seemed to be part of one thing - except no body was visible to the object. It was silent, hovering in the sky just over the street, quite large - like a football field - but without any discernible structure. It was simply a collection of lights or small glowing orbs. This was very evident when the thing began slowly moving east, towards the East River, and was silhouetted against the full moon - still, there seemed to be nothing connecting the lights, no body, yet they did appear to be part of a large object.

The things then disappeared behind a building on the east side of Manhattan.

I will never forget it, and I wonder if anyone ever filed a report because many people saw it. There was nothing in the paper the next day because the Central park jogger was attacked that night as well, so that was plastered all over the front pages.

Posted 2007-04-27

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