NUFORC Sighting 5696

Occurred: 1997-08-23 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-02-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec.
No of observers: 5

Location: Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico), , Mexico

Shape: Other

A white boomerrang spaceship decloaked (six blocks away), then like, warp speed away.(Star Trek stlye).

I lived in Hermosillo Sonora Mexico in Aug. of 97. I was working as VP of an English school, and freelancing to the Mexican Govt.'s tv station. After supper one evening about 10'clock, In the back yard I sit and watch the sky as I do every night. Now, I've seen things almost every night, stars that would fall for a couple of minutes then streak to the right or left and so on. But this one night I was looking towards the sky where the airplanes would fly to the Hermosillo's airport. Then it happened! A large white boomerrang spaceship (three times the size of a passenger jet) decloaked (like in Star Trek) floated down a few seconds, stopped (no sound), and then ... warpped to the north, just like on Star Trek! Now the hair stood up on skin, where do you hide? ( I'm supposed to be a tough guy). I couldn't tell any one what happen because I couldn't speak Spanish enough to explain what had happened, so a week later a Mexican-American was visiting his relatives and I told him. He said his cousins (3) saw it to. Same time and same place in the sky. Then a few days later the owner of a computer cafe house told me the same story but it appeared to him while he was driving. Three days later I picked up an am station at night on my radio that was the Art Bell Show Coast to Coast. Believe me, my life has changed 100% since I saw the space ship. My beliefs and everything has been challenged!!

Posted 1999-04-02

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