NUFORC Sighting 58057

Occurred: 2007-08-08 22:00 Local
Reported: 2007-08-08 21:37 Pacific
Duration: @15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Shape: Light

Pulsating , odd performing "aircraft"(?)

I was sitting on the patio this evening enjoying a warm clear night. I'm an amateur astronomer/sky watcher and had a pair of 16X Nikons. I noticed a rather bright "star" moving from the NW to the SE. I watched it for @3 seconds and it disappeared. Then 3-4 seconds later it reappeared, still traveling in the same direction. I got the binoculars on it and it appeared simply as one of the brighter stars, in motion and with a constant glow. It repeated this twice, on the last "illumination" it came to a dead stop, increased in brightness @ 4X, remained at this maximum illumination for @ 2 seconds, and disappeared. That's it.

As I said, this object appeared as nothing more than a moving star, a rather common sighting of terrestrial origins. It was not moving exceptionally fast, it was the on/off of the "light" and it's finale that I found unusual. As for altitude I can't speculate beyond that, though not in what would be called space, it was MUCH higher than conventional civilian/commercial aircraft operate at. I've no idea what it was.

Posted 2007-08-14

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