NUFORC Sighting 60242

Occurred: 2007-12-08 18:45 Local
Reported: 2007-12-08 19:11 Pacific
Duration: 5-6 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Corvallis, OR, USA

Shape: Triangle

Dark, triangular-shaped, single object with no lighting, making no sound, moving rapidly across sky

6:45pm Saturday, December 08, 2007
Corvallis, Oregon

About 6:45 pm, I took my dog out to the back yard to do her thing. It was already dark by this time, so I looked up into the sky, to view the stars. The night sky was clear, with no clouds, fog, or haze. Moments after looking up and admiring the stars, I noticed what I at first thought was a flight of geese, or birds of some sort that fly in a "V" formation.

The object or formation was very faint against the dark sky, and thinking it was a flock of birds, I continued to watch and listen for their honking sound. Instead, I heard no sound at all. The object was moving from northeast, to southeast and I immediately noted that it was moving at a very high rate of speed, too fast for birds.

As the object passed directly overhead, its outline became more apparent, but was still very faint, and almost blended with the sky. As it passed between my position, and a group of stars, I was able to see that it was in fact a solid or at least, a contiguous object (not a flock of birds). It resembled the shape of a stealth bomber, or something like it. There were no visible lights on the object.

Another curious fact about this occurrence was that the object made no sound whatsoever. If it was a stealth bomber, I would have expected to hear jet engine noise, or some faint sound, but I heard nothing. The object appeared to be flying at an altitude of perhaps 5,000 feet above ground level, estimated by its relative size in the sky, and the rate at which it moved.

From the time I first observed the object, it was at about a 60 degree angle overhead. It passed directly over my house, and I was able to see the faint outline for approximately 5-6 seconds, and then it completely faded as it moved southwest.

Posted 2008-03-04

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