NUFORC Sighting 61111

Occurred: 1966-11-11 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2008-01-22 18:58 Pacific
Duration: one minute +/-
No of observers: 0

Location: Hempstead, NY, USA

Shape: Unknown

Other, moving starlike cluster

I was walking west along Meadow Street in Garden City, NY on a cold clear wintry night. I was with a freind and we were on our war to the nearby Mobil gas station to make calls to our girl freinds. There was only one phone in the house those days and it was centrally located where everyone could hear my calls. I live only about 15 miles from Kennedy Airport (then Idelwild Airport). It was not unusual to hear jets flying over. While walking i heard what i thought was a jet. When we looked up, we saw what appeared to be a group of stars. They were identicle to stars. There was approximately 15 to 20 of them. They were flying easterly and were almost straight overhead. As they passed by i noticed that the sound i was hearing was from them. The sound tracked their path. After they passed over, they all of a sudden made a right turn and accelerated straight south out over the ocean and they got louder as they left. While they were passing overhead, we noticed that the background stars went right through them without blinking off and on. That's how i knew they were individual objects. When i say they made a right turn, what i mean is, they made a right angle or square turn with out slowing down. In fact, they immediately accelerated as they made the turn. We then continued on our way to the phones and looked up the Air Force in the phone book. We told someone there what we had seen. He responded "Sorry kid, no UFO's scheduled for tonight" . We knew right away no one would believe us.


Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD

Posted 2008-02-14

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