NUFORC Sighting 72241

Occurred: 2009-09-11 19:00 Local
Reported: 2009-09-11 19:35 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Mesa, AZ, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

It was around 7:00 pm when I noticed a bright white sort of haze non moving light.It was at a very high alltitude because at first I thought that is one very bright star,and you could not see any other stars.I would say it was a very big object probably 40,000-100000+ feet up so it could not be landing lights on a commercial jet.This sighting happened right as a storm was moving in,I lost visual sight of it when the clouds blocked it.I got video of it on my digital camera but it is of poor quality.

Posted 2009-12-12

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