NUFORC Sighting 72521

Occurred: 2009-09-19 20:00 Local
Reported: 2009-09-21 05:28 Pacific
Duration: 50 seconds
No of observers: 6

Location: Hope, NJ, USA

Shape: Cone
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

We were at the UACNJ observatory in Hope, NJ looking due south. I say what at first appeared to me to be a searchlight shining straight up through a high, thin cloud. It was a bluish white light in a column that did not reach the ground. Within seconds, it broadened to a conical shape and reached its maximum brightness. It then faded away over the course of the next minute. It never moved laterally. There was a slight vertical movement as it developed, but then it was stationary as it faded away. My imprssion was that it was very far away. My guess was that it was vapor in the stratosphere lighted by the twilight. I have no idea what caused it.


Missile launch. PD

Posted 2009-12-12

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