NUFORC Sighting 100709

Occurred: 2003-05-31 13:00 Local
Reported: 2013-08-02 00:40 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Ashland, OR, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Landed

Ground-moving small black boomerang shaped unidentified object observed with witnesses in broad daylight near Ashland, Or.

My cousin and I were sitting on a hillside by Emmigrant Lake on a bright sunny clear day at 1pm. We were both facing the same direction chatting. We both noticed an object flipping/moving through the grass in a random manner.

The object was black and reflected absolutely no light. It appeared at first to be boomerang or V-shaped but after watching it approach us it was clearly two 3ft scalene triangles attached or jointed at the shortest side - as though a boomerang had been folded down the middle and was then flipping and moving on the points through the tall grass.

it also appeared to be changing in dimensions as it flipped, coupled with the lack of any reflection it was difficult to comprehend. I commented to my cousin about wondering what it was, she confirmed that she was also watching and wondering. We observed it move very close, within 40ft before it meandered back around the small hillock from which it had come. My cousin and I were both adults,! sober, and skeptical. I am educated with a B.A. from C.S.U.B. I have no background in Unidentified Objects of any kind and have never experienced anything questionable to this degree.

I would have questioned my grasp on reality or vision problems if my cousin had not been witness as well.

Posted 2013-08-30

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