NUFORC Sighting 105764

Occurred: 2013-12-24 20:40 Local
Reported: 2013-12-30 22:47 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 9

Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Orange spheres/orbs over Seattle

At approximately 8:40 PM on 12/24/13 returning to Bellevue from dinner my wife and I, with two children in the car, observed four very bright orange lights in a diamond shape over Seattle near the Space Needle. We instantly we shocked as they were not commercial aircraft and flew in a coordinated manner and shifted to a rectangle, and then an oval. If I had to guess they were 500 meters in diameter. It seemed like there was a shape or form within the lights but it was impossible to tell for sure. They traveled south of the city and at about where Boeing Field is they ascended vertically through the low cloud layer and vanished. During the ascent we saw a commercial airliner fly under the lights. We observed them for about 3 minutes, and during this our neighbors, also returning from a dinner, pulled up and saw the same (their oldest child was terrified, as was mine).

During this a 5th orange light appeared from the same area and followed an identical flight pattern and vanished. Attached is video I took for about 30 seconds when my wife told me to grab my phone. I was excited and should have spent more time taping. During the episode the entire sky appeared to briefly flash white, which is on video.

About 10 minutes afterwards I was still watching the sky and believe I saw a fighter jet fly over the city. A work colleague I told the story to says they heard a fighter jet fly over their Bellevue home. My neighbor who also witnessed the event says he was traveling north from the Federal Way area and had seen a number of military helicopters flying in the area. What we saw were not helicopters.

Posted 2014-01-10

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