NUFORC Sighting 160192

Occurred: 2020-10-24 22:00 Local
Reported: 2020-10-25 03:19 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Kula, HI, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

A group of light in the shape of a gigantic ship floating by in space upper Kula.

I sat up in Kula overlooking Kihei and the ocean from a distance when a group of lights presented from the skies seemingly above or around Kihei they quickly moved there was upcountry Maui and upon getting closer I could see there were many. Easily 100. I couldn’t tell if it was one gigantic ship or 100 ships flying in unison. I could tell the ship(s) could cloak as it was wavering in this way. It made no sound. As they or it went over the house I hurried to the back of the house and saw it continue to go up the volcano. It left a magnificence bean/trail behind it. Life changing and not my first time seeing UFO’s up here but this was beyond imagination.

Posted 2020-12-23

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