NUFORC Sighting 165908

Occurred: 2021-11-11 09:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2021-12-18 22:20 Pacific
Duration: Very quickly
No of observers: 0

Location: Columbus, GA, USA
Location details: Jenkins Road, Upatoi, Ga


I saw a large v-shaped, silent thing fly over my house just below the clouds, only preceded by the sound of moving air.

I heard a whooshing sound as I looked at low hanging clouds covering the morning sky, on approx. November 11, 2021, at around 9 or 10 A.M. I saw a v-shaped object going very fast and very low, appearing from the northwest, heading southeast. It was about 50 feet wide in a shallow, narrow vee shape, with no detectable motor sounds or compartments. It looked metallic/plastic with no shine. It appeared just below the clouds, causing them to swirl, and just above the trees. I measured the wingspan by two tall treetops and later went out and measured the distance between them to be 50 feet. I almost could not believe my eyes, but I know what I saw.

Posted 2021-12-19

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