NUFORC Sighting 172501

Occurred: 2022-10-05 04:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2022-10-19 16:26 Pacific
Duration: This last for 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: North cave, Brough, East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Location details: The back of my property is south facing and I saw the object south east

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Green light, object darting from what a normal aircraft would do.

It was not a star as it was not that far away, it was as far as an aeroplane would fly maybe a little bit further.
it had a green light on it taht did not disseapear, it was travelling south east, it may of being there longer than when I saw it.
I went out at 4am for a cigarette as I couldn't sleep, if I go out when it's still dark I love to look up at the stars so this was not unusual to me to be looking around at the stars, I noticed this object as it had a green light to it and it was moving, it wasn't moving to fast or to slow, may like an aeroplane speed, the only reason I no this was nit an aeroplane is from hwta the object did.
The object would be going straight then all of a sudden it would shoot up or shoot to the side or shoot down then continue going in a line, this happened the whole time I was outside so approximately 5 minutes, I have never seen this behaviour from an aircraft befor.
I am unsure how long it had being going on or how long after I left, I didn't want to stay and watch as it was cold, I looked all over the sky to see if I could see anything else or similar happen and you could easily pinpoint out were this was happening, when you stopped looking you could easily find the object again because of how bright the green was and how much closer it was than a star, there was no noise of an aircraft that I could hear, usually when an aeroplane is in sight or close you can hear one.

About myself who observed this, I am just a single mother who works, I live in a small house with houses next to me each side, there is a big feild that wraps around our properties as it's the playing fields, I enjoy science documentaries, space, planets, I do enjoy ufo documataries but they also frighten me to think that somthing bad could happen as I do believe there is more out there, I'm not somone that actively looks for things in the sky, I'm a normal person taht enjoy time with the family, walks, movies, farming with my partner, embroidedery stitching is a hobby.

Posted 2022-12-22

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